Tips to find out bed bug infestation in your house
Drill for find the bugs
Checking out your home for the bed bug infestation is not as hectic as you think. Bed bugs are not like the termites that remain hidden all the time. These pests do show up with some of their traits in order to warn you about their existence. There is a fact that these bugs will be feed on your blood and other resources, so they have to show up.
Here are a few signs that will lead you towards the exploration when you want to know how to find bed bugs:
Shedding on the bed, furniture and in storage spaces
Just like a normal pest behavior, bed bugs do shed their skin, eggs and fecal as well. Therefore, you can evidently see these shedding on the bed, sofa, couch and other places as well. All you need is to be careful about these shedding. Do not take these shedding for granted. If you take them seriously then you can get the bed bug treatmentat the right place.
Bad smell or musty odor
Not only the sheddingbut also the excretions from the bed bugs do have a specifickind of smell. At the community grows, the smell reaches to its highest point that you cannot even bear at all. Hence, when you are having an unbearable odor in the bed. Alternatively, other furniture spots along with cupboards or storage spaces you should be worried about it.
Blood stains on sheets or pillowcases
Seeing the spots of blood on your bed sheets and pillowcases is common sign of bed bug infestation. The bugs are feeding on your blood and when by any chance these are pressed by your weight, that blood turns out to give a spot on the sheet.
Bug bites on your skin
Are you feeling itchy when hitting the bed or sofa? If yes, and there are spots with some of bleeding as well then it is nothing but bed bugs. Sometimes, you might mix up the itching with the mosquitoes but the bites coming form bugs are different. They leave red patches on your skin and literal bite stamps as well. Therefore, you need to be considerate about it.
Places to inspect
Once you have observed all these places at once, it is time to go a little step forward and inspect the places. Having an in detail inspection about the bed bug infestation will help you in the identification and call up for the help at the right time.
Furniture pockets – most common and favorite spot of hiding that bed bugs have is the furniture pockets. The points that are so narrow and mostly packed nicely are their house. You need to check these cracks and points to find out these colonies resting inside.
Under the sheets – flip the sheets from your bed and mattress to find out the colony resting down there. Normally, these are infested under mattress and in the curves of the bed. It seems a nice and safe spot for them. Whenever you change sheets, they are intact and remain there silently.
Cupboards – cupboards are another spot your should check for the bed bug infestation. Your clothes in there and the closed spaces are theirfavorite spot to hide. It is a source for them to bite you as well by hiding into your clothes.
Wall hanging or wallpapers – not only the furniture but also the wall hangings or the loose ends of the wallpapers are a spot for them to hide. These are one of the crucial and unexpected spots for sure. You need to check out these spots for sure and clean them up nicely.
Corner joints – the corners where your ceiling and walls or floor is conjoining with each other. These are mostly the closed spaces, bed bugs can easily infest there in between the cracks, and you will never find out.
What is the way forward?
Once you have to know that there is bed bug infestation in your house, now what you can do next. There is nothing much to do now, all you need is to contact the Tahir Termite Service. The service company is right there to help you with any kind of pest infestation.
Using the best practices and high-end tools of chemicals, the professionalsis there to help you. They will look into eachcorner of your house to exterminate the bugs from the location. It can be a little time taking procedure but not too much. Once the treatment is done, you will not have the problem ever again. Just be sure that you are not going to go lose on the bed bugs again.
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